Mental Health Awareness for Managers 

Half Day (3.5hrs) or Full Day (to include working case studies)

With one in four staff experiencing a mental health problem at work, it is no wonder that managers are seeking better ways of tackling poor Mental Health in the workplace.

A study by the Chartered Institute of Personnel and Development has highlighted for the first time that stress is now the major cause of long-term absence from the workplace.

The difficulty for most managers is knowing where to start, because talking about mental health often seems to be too personal, too deep and too complex, yet it doesnt have to be that way.

By actively tackling mental ill health in your business, youll have healthier and happier staff and a more productive workforce.

 This workshop intends to broaden a managers view of what mental health is, what it means to have a mental health condition and how we can help to reduce stigma in the workplace, so that everyone feels included, supported and able to work well. We will also look at the factors that promote recovery and wellbeing and find ways to talk about mental distress in a sensitive way.

Manual cost of £10.00 per person per book for Managers Guide (optional).


What you can expect to learn:


Our half day course is an introductory three-hour session to raise awareness of mental Health & Wellbeing at work.

This workshop covers:


  • Understanding what mental Health & Wellbeing is;
  • Identifying key factors that affect mental Health & Wellbeing at work;
  • Recognising the continuum of mental health and who is effected;
  • Identifying the early signs of someone becoming distressed at work and how to take positive action;
  • Practical ways to better support or manage a member of staff with a mental health condition;
  • Understanding the correlation between supportive work cultures and better work performance;
  • Learning how to stay connected while maintaining the business objective;
  • Using examples of real life case studies to help managers find ways of applying the learning in a practical way, day to day.

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07832 216888

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